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The 重点大学 website may include unmonitored forums containing the personal 的意见s and other expressions of the persons who post entries on a wide range of topics. 也不是这些网站的内容, 也没有其他网站的链接, 是筛选, 批准, 由Keystone学院审核或认可. 尽管Keystone并不监控网站的内容, Keystone有权从网站上删除材料, 屏蔽, 或自行决定对该材料采取行动, 尽管Keystone没有义务这么做. You may not use 重点大学 computing resources or sites to disseminate unsolicited advertising or promotional materials of any kind.

The 文本 and other material on these sites are the 的意见 of the specific author and are not statements of advice, 的意见, 或楔石学院的资料. If you feel you might be offended by the content of the sites, you should not continue.


受版权保护的材料, 包括但不限于软件, 图形, 文本, 照片, 声音, 录像和音乐记录, may not be placed on the site without the express permission of the owner of the copyright in the material, 或其他使用该材料的合法权利. 鼎石学院尊重他人的知识产权. If you believe your copyright has been violate on our site, please notify our webmaster.


考虑到你方同意本合同的条款和条件, 重点大学授予你个人奖学金, 非排他的, 不可转让的访问和使用网站的许可. Users may download material from the sites for user’s own personal, non-commercial use. 否则用户不得复制, 繁殖, 重新发送, 分发, 发布, 商业利用或以其他方式转让任何材料. 决定使用任何信息的责任, 本网站的软件或任何其他内容均可由用户自行决定.


重点大学’s site may include hyperlinks to websites maintained or controlled by others. Keystone不负责也不进行常规筛查, 批准, review or endorse the contents of or use of the products or services that may be offered at these websites.


本网站可能包含与产品描述有关的错误和遗漏, 定价, 和可用性. 我们保留更正错误或遗漏的权利,恕不另行通知. We also reserve the right to cancel any offered product or service in the event of an error or omission in the description, 包括价格, 不可用或其他原因.


重点大学 is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our web site users. Among our goals is the intention to give the end user as much control as possible over personal information. Collecting information is an inherent part of the normal operation of our site. 此声明描述了收集的信息, 如何收集, 为什么要收集?, 以及如何使用它. 读完之后, users can make informed decisions about whether and how to make use of our various Internet services.


就像几乎所有的Web服务器一样, our Internet hosts collect and store information sent by the Web browser when it makes a request for Web content. Collected information may include the Internet Protocol (IP) address being used by a user’s computer, or by the firewall or proxy server of the user’s network; the hostname associated with that address; the date and time the browser made the request; what page or file was requested; the page the browser “came from” immediately before the request; and “User agent” information, which normally includes the browser software and operating system the computer is currently running.

These logs are stored for the purpose of analyzing trends in how people are using our systems. 根据这些信息,我们确定了大量使用的时间段, 最常见的Web浏览器, 我们网站上最受欢迎的内容, and other related information that helps us improve the usefulness and performance of our Web sites.


When a user contacts a representative of Keystone using electronic mail (e-mail) or an Instant Messaging service, information included in that message may be used to respond to the message or to provide a requested service or information. 的消息, 或者里面的信息, may be shared with other employees of the college for the purpose of providing requested information or a requested service. 通过这种方式收集的信息, 包括电子邮件地址和消息传递用户名, is never 分发d to persons or organizations outside Keystone unless absolutely necessary to fulfill a request. Keystone does not give or sell lists of e-mail addresses for commercial purposes.


我们的一些网站创建了一个“cookie”,这是你电脑硬盘上的一条记录, which makes it possible for our sites to recognize that a specific computer has made previous requests. Our cookies are used exclusively for providing services requiring such a record. Keystone does not track cookies for any purpose other than the needs of such Web-based applications.


Keystone可能偶尔会对其用户群进行在线调查, which may include both campus community members and users who are not directly affiliated with Keystone. 作为调查的一部分,我们可以, 在用户允许的情况下, 收集个人和潜在身份信息. Any information gathered in this way is used for quantitative analysis of services, 大学的公认品质, 以及用户对Keystone或其网站的态度. If such information is to be made available to other organizations or to be 发布ed, 这一事实将在用户参与之前告知, 并且会明确请求他们的许可. Users can decline to participate if there is concern about the use of the collected information. 调查资料只会以综合形式公布, 而且与任何已确认的个人用户无关.


Keystone可能会收集用户的信息, 在用户允许的情况下, 为提供各种服务和信息, 可能包括宣传材料, 或者定期更新所提供的服务或先前请求的进度. 通过这种方式收集的信息 may be shared with other persons or departments within the college, but will not be shared in any way with persons or organizations that are not part of Keystone, 除非有必要满足用户的请求(例如, providing credit card information to a payment processor to complete a payment transaction).


Much of Keystone’s Web content includes links to content on Internet servers belonging to other persons or organizations, 而不是拱顶石. Keystone can not control or make any representation concerning those persons’ or organizations’ collection and use of personal information.


This statement explains how information collected from users is used by Keystone. 然而,这并不能保证隐私. It is possible for collected information to be disclosed without the college’s permission or knowledge (for example, 如果互联网主机被“攻击”,"或被病毒感染). For this reason Keystone disclaims any warranty or representation of privacy or non-disclosure of information collected through the use of our Internet site.